High-Quality Lab-Grade Cultures. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
html sitemap products
- A +++ Mushroom.
- Albino Chocolate Krinkle (A.C....
- Albino A+ cross with KSS Mushr...
- Albino A+ cross with Texas Mus...
- ABM Mushroom.
- Acadian Coast Mushroom.
- Agarikon Mushroom.
- Ajax Mushroom.
- Alabama Mushroom.
- Alabama Squats Mushroom.
- Alacabenzi Mushroom.
- Albino Bayou Berengei Mushroom...
- Albino Cambodian Mushroom.
- Albino Chodewave Mushroom.
- Albino Gumby Mushroom.
- Albino Huautla Mushroom
- Albino JMF Mushroom.
- Albino Roller Coaster Mushroom
- Albino Tidal Wave Mushroom.
- Albino Yeti cross with PE6 Mus...
- Almond Mushroom.
- Amber Nam Mushroom.
- American Mystic Mushroom.
- Choco Rojo Anemone Mushroom.
- Angor Wat Thailand Mushroom.
- Antler Reishi Mushroom.
- Albino Pink Buffalo (APB) Mush...
- APE 338 Mushroom.
- APE Black Cap Mushroom.
- ApeR Cream Cut Mushroom.
- APE cross with P. Natalensis M...
- APE x SV10 Mushroom.
- ApeR Mushroom.
- ApeTar Mushroom.
- Arenal Volcano Mushroom.
- Argentina Mushroom.
- Artist's Conk Mushroom.
- Aspen Oyster Mushroom.
- TAT Black Cap Mushroom.
- Australian Mushroom (P. subaer...
- Australian Black Morel Mushroo...
- Australian Morel Mushroom.
- Australian Shiitake Mushroom.
- Avery's Albino Mushroom.
- B+ Mushroom.
- B.A.P.E. Mushroom.
- B+ cross with Fiji Mushroom.
- Baby Blue Mushroom
- Ban Huan Thanon Mushroom.
- Bear's Head Mushroom.
- Beech (Brown) Mushroom.
- Beech (wild strain) Mushroom.
- Beefsteak Mushroom.
- Bee's Omni Mutant Mushroom.
- Berkley's Polypore Mushroom.
- Bifrost Mushroom.
- Bitter Oyster Mushroom.
- Black Foot Morel Mushroom.
- Black Morel Mushroom.
- Black Pearl King Oyster Mushro...
- Black Poplar Mushroom.
- Black Reishi Mushroom.
- Black Umbo Mushroom.
- Blewit Mushroom.
- Blue Brat Oyster Mushroom.
- Blue Kachina Mushroom.
- Blue Magnolia Rust Mushroom.
- Blue Meanies Mushroom.
- Blue Oyster Mushroom.
- Blue Storm Mushroom.
- Bluscaria Mushroom.
- Blushing Bracket Mushroom
- Blushing Morel Mushroom
- Bolles Bear's Head Mushroom
- Brain Slugs Mushroom.
- Branched Oyster Mushroom.
- Brass Monkey Mushroom.
- Brick Cap Mushroom.
- Brick Cap (Maine Wild Strain) ...
- Brown Beech Shimeji Mushroom.
- Bulbous Honey Mushroom Mushroo...
- Burma Mushroom.
- Burmese Smurf Mushroom.
- Burnt Morel Mushroom
- Buttercup Mushroom
- BVI Mushroom.
- Calico Mushroom
- Cambo Mushroom.
- Cambo crossed with SV10 Mushro...
- Cambodian Cream Mushroom.
- Caramel BlobCorn Mushroom.
- Caramel Popcorn Mushroom.
- Casper Mushroom.
- Chaga Mushroom.
- Chai TAT Mushroom.
- Champignon Mushroom.
- Blue Chanterelle Mushroom.
- Golden Chanterelle Mushroom.
- Red Chanterelle Mushroom.
- Cherub Mushroom
- Chestnut Mushroom.
- Chicken of the Woods Mushroom.
- Chicken of the Woods (white po...
- Chitwan Nepal Mushroom
- Choco Rojo Mushroom.
- Choco TAT Mushroom.
- Chocolate Gumby Brains Mushroo...
- Chocolate Krinkle Mushroom.
- Chocolate Krinkle Brains Mushr...
- Chocolate Krinkle Monster Mush...
- Chodewave Mushroom.
- Chupacabra Mushroom.
- Clockwork Orange Mushroom.
- Choda Mushroom.
- Conifer Coral Mushroom.
- Coomb Tooth Mushroom
- Coral Tooth Mushroom.
- Cordyceps farinosa Mushroom.
- Cordyceps militaris Mushroom.
- Cordyceps tenuipes Mushroom.
- Corn smut (huitlacoche) Fungus...
- Cosmic Ghost Rider Mushroom.
- Costa Rican Mushroom.
- Country Cock Mushroom.
- Creeper Mushroom.
- Daddy Long Legs Mushroom.
- Dancing Hens Mushroom.
- Dancing Tiger Mushroom
- Dave's APER Mushroom
- DC Mak Mushroom.
- DC Mak 529 Mushroom
- DC Mak 95 Mushroom
- Deep End x SNAPE Mushroom.
- Deer Mushroom.
- Eclipse Mushroom
- E-Froot Mushroom.
- E-Froot 2.0 Mushroom.
- El Blanco Mushroom.
- Elephant Gates Mushroom.
- Emerald Gates Mushroom.
- Enigma x Leviathon Mushroom.
- Enoki (golden) Mushroom.
- Enoki (white) Mushroom.
- Equador Mushroom
- Ethiogen Explosion Mushroom.
- Fat Fuzz Mushroom.
- Fiji Mushroom
- Fischer Mushroom.
- Freckled Chestnut Mushroom.
- Fringed Sawgill Mushroom.
- Frost King Mushroom.
- Gamma Wave Mushroom.
- Gandolf Mushroom.
- Ghost Mushroom.
- Ghost Rider Mushroom
- Ghost Rider x Sting Ray Mushro...
- Giant PE Mushroom.
- Giant Puffball Mushroom.
- Golden Chestnut, Maine Wild St...
- Golden Emporer Mushroom
- Golden Halo Mushroom
- Golden Hawk Mushroom.
- Golden Mammoth Mushroom.
- Golden Oyster Mushroom.
- Golden Teacher Mushroom.
- Golden Treasure Oyster Mushroo...
- Grey Dove Oyster Mushroom.
- Grey Oyster Mushroom.
- Ground Zero Mushroom.
- Guadalahara Mushroom
- Gumby Mushroom.
- Half Free Morel Mushroom.
- Halloween Oyster Mushroom.
- Halo Gates Mushroom.
- Hanoi Mushroom.
- Haole Gill Monsta Mushroom.
- Hawks Hallow Oyster Mushroom.
- Hawk's Hallow Oyster (MA Wild ...
- Hed Khon Khao (White Shiitake)...
- Hemlock Reishi Mushroom.
- Hilbilly Mushroom.
- Hilbilly Pumkin Mushroom.
- Honey Mushroom.
- Horse Mushroom
- Hung Mushroom.
- Iceberg Mushroom.
- Illusion Weaver Mushroom.
- Inca Stargazer Mushroom.
- Indian Oyster Mushroom.
- Italian Oyster Mushroom.
- Ivory Shimeji Mushroom.
- Jack Crackle Mushroom.
- Jack Frost Mushroom.
- Jack Frost x Shakti Mushroom.
- Jack The Ripper Mushroom.
- Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom.
- Jedi Mind F*ck Mushroom.
- Jedi Mind F*ck Revert Mushroom...
- Jedi Mind F*ck x Purple Mystic...
- John Allen Mushroom.
- K.S.A.P.E. Mushroom.
- K.S.A.T. Mushroom.
- K.S.A.T. Squats Mushroom
- K.S.S.S. cross with A++ Mush...
- Kikko Crash Mushroom
- Kilor APE Mushroom.
- King Blue Oyster Mushroom.
- King of Pearl Mushroom.
- King Oyster Mushroom.
- King Stropharia Mushroom.
- King Trumpet Oyster Mushroom.
- King Tuber Oyster Mushroom.
- Koh Samoi Little Flowers Mushr...
- Koh Samui Classic Mushroom.
- Korean Oyster Mushroom.
- KSS cross with LGT Mushroom.
- L.A.S.S. Mushroom.
- Late Oyster Mushroom.
- Leucistic Burma Mushroom.
- Leucistic Cambodian Mushroom.
- Leucistic Golden Teacher Mushr...
- Leucistic P.E. Uncut Mushroom.
- Leucistic Red Boy Mushroom.
- Leucistic Swamp Ghost Mushroom...
- Leucistic Treasure Coast Mushr...
- Leucistic Treasure Coast Rever...
- Lex Luther Mushroom.
- Lingzhi Reishi Mushroom.
- Lions Mane Mushroom.
- Lions Beard Mushroom
- Lions Mane, heat tolerant wild...
- Lions Pride Mushroom
- Lizard King Mushroom.
- Louisiana Lust Mushroom.
- Lucid Gates Mushroom.
- Lulu Mushroom.
- Macrocybe titans Mushroom.
- Maitake Mushroom.
- Makilla Gorilla Mushroom.
- Malabar Coast Mushroom
- Maria Sabina Mushroom
- Maria Sabina Brains Mushroom.
- Mars Mushroom
- Mazatapec Mushroom
- Meadow Mushroom
- Mediterranean Oyster Mushroom.
- Melmak 118 Mushroom
- MelMak IND Mushroom.
- Melmak O.G. Mushroom.
- Melmak Revert x APE Mushroom
- Melmak Squat Knot Mushroom.
- Melmak T.P. Mushroom.
- Melmak Texas Nexus Mushroom.
- Melmak Thrasher Mushroom
- Mexicana Strain A Mushroom
- Milky Mushroom
- Minami Okinowa Mushroom
- Moby Dick Mushroom.
- Great White Monster Mushroom.
- Mr. Peanut Mushroom.
- Mr. Wickles Mushroom.
- MVP Mushroom.
- MVP x P. Nat Mushroom.
- Namaste Mushroom.
- Namkeo Mushroom.
- Nanook Mushroom
- Natal Mushroom
- Nepal Chitwan Mushroom
- New Zealands Bush Shiitake Mus...
- Nezuko Mushroom.
- Nilla Oyster Mushroom.
- NSS Mushroom.
- Nutcracker Mushroom.
- Octopus Mushroom.
- Odisha India Mushroom.
- OG PE Mushroom
- OG TAT Mushroom.
- ODPE Mushroom.
- Omni Mushroom.
- Omni Bluewave Mushroom.
- Omni Revert Mushroom.
- Oregon Polypore Mushroom.
- Orissa India Mushroom
- P. ovoideocystidiata Mushroom.
- P. mexicana Mushroom.
- P. natalensis Mushroom.
- P. natalensis "low spore" Mush...
- P. pseudoaztecorum Mushroom.
- P. subaeruginosa Mushroom.
- P. subtropicalis Mushroom.
- P. tampanensis Mushroom
- P.C. Gandolf Mushroom.
- Paneolus cyanescens Goliath Mu...
- P.F. Redspore Mushroom.
- Pacific Exotica Spora Amazonia...
- Pacific Exotica Spora Hawaiian...
- Paneolus Cyanescens Estero Mus...
- Paneolus Cyanescens Mushroom.
- Parasol Mushroom
- Pathfinder Oyster Mushroom.
- PE #3 Mushroom.
- PE #6 Mutant Mushroom.
- PE #7 Mushroom.
- PE #21 Mushroom.
- PE #6 Mushroom.
- Pearly Gates Mushroom.
- PES Hawaiin Mushroom.
- Psilocybe Fanaticus Leucistic ...
- Pearly Gates 65 Mushroom.
- Pheasant Back Mushroom.
- Pink Buffalo Mushroom.
- Pink Oyster Mushroom.
- Piopinno Mushroom
- Plastic Eating Mushroom.
- Platinum Gates Mushroom.
- Playa Uvita Mushroom.
- Pneuma Mushroom.
- Portobello Mushroom.
- Poseidon's Finger Mushroom.
- Princess Pearl Mushroom.
- P. azurecens Mushroom.
- P. cyanescens Mushroom
- Psilocybe Fanaticus Strophoria...
- Pumkin PE Mushroom.
- Purple Morel Mushroom.
- Purple Mystics Mushroom.
- Rango Mushroom.
- Reishi Mushroom.
- Riptide Mushroom.
- Rusty Mind Fek Mushroom.
- Rusty Whyte Mushroom.
- Rusty Whyte Blu Nip Mushroom.
- RW x AMAK-R Mushroom
- Saint Nick Mushroom.
- Sajor-caju Oyster Mushroom
- Sakura Oyster Mushroom.
- Scarlett Caterpillar Mushroom.
- P. semilanceata Mushroom.
- SG-30 Mushroom.
- Shaggy Mane Mushroom
- Shakti Mushroom.
- Shakti Black Cap Mushroom.
- Shakti Beard Mushroom.
- Shakti Blue Brains Mushroom
- Shakti Bombz Mushroom.
- Shakti Gazer (Shakti x Stargaz...
- Shakti Uncut Mushroom.
- Sheathed Wood Tuft Mushroom.
- Shiitake Wild Strain Mushroom.
- Shiitake 0557 Mushroom.
- Shiitake 5000 Mushroom.
- Shiitake 7869 Mushroom.
- Shooting Stars Mushroom.
- Sky Blue Oyster Mushroom.
- Smurf x B+ Mushroom
- Snow Fungus Mushroom.
- Snow White Oyster Mushroom.
- Snowflake Mushroom (gourmet va...
- South African Transki Mushroom
- South American Mushroom.
- Squat Knot Mushroom.
- Star Dew Mushroom.
- Starfrost Mushroom.
- Stargazer Mushroom.
- Stargazer x Nat Mushroom.
- Starry Night APE Mushroom.
- Steel Magnolia Mushroom
- Straw Shiitake Mushroom.
- Sunny Side Up Mushroom.
- SV-10 Mushroom
- SV-10 x APE Mushroom
- Syzygy Mushroom.
- Taman Negara Mushroom.
- TAT Mushroom
- TAT Angel Mushroom.
- Tat Brains Revert Mushroom
- TAT O.G. Mushroom.
- TAT Smurf Mushroom.
- TAT Toad Mushroom
- TAT x JMF Mushroom.
- TAT x NSS Mushroom.
- Wombat TAT Mushroom.
- TATtoo Mushroom.
- TePe Mushroom.
- Texas Mushroom.
- Texas Ghost Mushroom.
- Texas Ghost 216 Mushroom.
- Thai Elephant Dung Mushroom.
- Thai Pink Buffalo Mushroom.
- The Prince Mushroom
- Thrasher Mushroom.
- Tidal Wave Mushroom.
- Tidal Wave Cream Mushroom.
- Tidal Wave x APE Mushroom.
- Tiered Tooth Fungus
- Tiger Milk Mushroom.
- Tiger Sawgill Mushroom.
- Timbit Mushroom
- Toque F8 Mushroom
- Tosohatchee Mushroom.
- Train Wrecker Mushroom.
- Treasure Coast Mushroom.
- Trinity Mushroom.
- True Albino Melmak Mushroom.
- Tulum Mushroom.
- Turkey Tail Mushroom.
- Turkey Tail (wild strain) Mush...
- Valentine Oyster Mushroom.
- Velvet Pioppino Mushroom.
- Wampa Mushroom.
- Warm Weather Button Mushroom
- White Beech Shimeji Mushroom.
- White Elm Oyster Mushroom.
- White Enoki Mushroom.
- White Rabbit Mushroom.
- Wikidzon Mushroom.
- Wild Arkansas "Boggy Creek" Mu...
- Wild Texas Mushroom.
- Wild Texas Gen Z Mushroom.
- Wine Cap Mushroom.
- Wollongong Mushroom.
- Wood Ear Mushroom.
- x7x Mushroom.
- XICO Mushroom.
- Yellow Koji Mold Mushroom.
- Yellow Reishi Mushroom.
- Yellow Umbo Mushroom.
- Yeti Mushroom.
- Yeti Black Cap Mushroom.
- Yeti Squats Mushroom.
- YMIR Mushroom
- Z strain cross with Golden Tea...
- Z Strain Mushroom.
- P. zapotecorum Mushroom.
- Zilla Mushroom
- Enigma Mushroom.
- Iris APE.
- Garlic Knots Mushroom.
- King Derp Mushroom.
- Long Yeti.
- Keepers Creepers.
- Albino Crooked Mystery.
- APE Squats.
- El Choco Mushroom.
- Lamellae Majora.
- Albino Koh Samui Super Strain ...
- Albino Leng.
- Goldy Mak Mushroom.
- KSSS (Koh Samui Super Strain) ...
- Mr. Peanut "Pale".
- AMEX Asymmetric.
- Moloko Velocet Mushroom.
- UFO Mushroom.
- SE Houston Pancakes Mushroom.
- Phobos.
- APE King.
- Albino Chupacabra.
- SE Houston Mushroom.
- Chocolate Gumby Mushroom.
- PEA Mushroom.
- MVP-B Mushroom.
- Mr. Krinkle.
- Wombat TAT Classic.
- Peng Mushroom.
- Butters Mushroom.
- Crooked Jack.
- Jumbo Jack.
- Crooked Mystery Mushroom,
- AARP Mushroom.
- Wombat TAT Monster.
- Aztec Gods Mushroom.
- ATL #7 Tampensis Mushroom.
- Aztec Mushroom.
- ACK cross with LSG Mushroom.
- B.A.P.E.R. Mushroom.
- Blue Ghost Mushroom.
- Bilbo Revert Silver Cap Mushro...
- Blue Yonder Mushroom.
- Bilbo Revert Cream Cap Mushroo...
- Blue Umbo Mushroom.
- Creamy Gates Mushroom.
- Dirty South Ghost Mushroom.
- Fiji cross with Redboy Mushroo...
- ESS Mushroom.
- Emerald Cream Gates.
- Great White North.
- Greenie Vuitton.
- Gulf Coast Mushroom.
- Homestead PE Mushroom.
- Hillbilly cross with Menace.
- Huautla Mushroom.
- HTF Brains Mushrooms
- Iceberg Squats Mushroom.
- Jedi Master.
- Lightwave Mushroom.
- Pearly Gates Monster.
- Mr. Underhill.
- Menace Mushroom.
- Nutcracker cross with Bilbo Re...
- P. natalensis Black Cap.
- P. natalensis Moon.
- Nutcracker Mutant Mushroom.
- Nutcracker cross with Riptide ...
- P. natalensis Green Cap Mushro...
- Omni Revert x MVP x Shaktigaze...
- Omega Mushroom.
- Paradox Mushroom.
- PE + Mushroom
- Texas Yellow Cap.
- Tidal wave x Jack Frost Mushro...
- Triple Emerald Gates Mjushroom...
- SolMac Mushroom.
- Roger Rabbit Mushroom.
- Roger Rabbit Black Cap Mushroo...
- Rango Gates Mushroom.
- Starry Night Albino Penis Envy...
- Stormtrooper Mushroom.
- Philly Golden Teacher.
- Texas Orange Cap Mushroom.
- Tamarind Tree British Virgin I...
- Albino Makilla Gorilla.
- Abalone Mushroom.
- Aspen Oyster Wild Strain.
- AA+ cross with Texas Mushroom.
- Arenal Volcano Costa Rican.
- AA+ cross with KSS .
- APER Off White.
- AA+ Mushroom.
- Birch Polypore Mushroom.
- White Beech Mushroom.
- Bush Shiitake Mushroom.
- Albino F+ Mushroom.
- APE 110 Mushroom.
- Albino Normak Mushroom.
- APE Texas Nexus.
- Albino MVP Mushroom.
- Alien Candy APE Mushroom.
- Albino Penis Envy (APE) Mushro...
- Albino Trinity Mushroom.
- Albino Melmac TP Squat Mushroo...
- AMVP Blob Mushroom.
- Albino Louisiana Mushroom.
- Albino Odisha Squats Mushroom.
- AAPE (APE x AA+) Mushroom.
- Anubis Mushroom.
- Blue Moon Mushroom.
- Big Feather Mushroom.
- Bilbo Revert Mushroom.
- Brown Oyster Mushroom.
- B - Mushroom.
- Ban Huan Thanon x P. Nat Mushr...
- Golden Oyster (Wild Strain) Mu...
- Blue Meanie CF Mushroom.
- Paneolus Cyanescens Bruneii Mu...
- Bulbasaur Mushroom.
- Casper Fatty Boys Mushroom.
- F+ Mushroom.
- Enoki (wild strain) Mushroom.
- Florida Oyster Mushroom.
- P. aztecorium Mushroom.
- P. serbica Mushroom.
- P. niveotropicalis Mushroom.
- Pearl Oyster Mushroom.
- P. subsecotiodes Mushroom.
- Red Reishi Mushroom.
- Shakti Blue Mutant Mushroom.
- Shakti cross with Golden Halo ...
- Hydra Heads Mushroom.
- KSAT Mushroom.
- King TAT Mushroom.
- King Phobos Mushroom.
- K.S.S.S. Squats Mushroom.
- K.S.S.S. Mushroom.
- Gnarly A+ Mushroom.
- Moloko + Monokaryon.
- Loki Monokaryon.
- Lucid Gates Starfish Mushroon.
- Lambert Oyster Mushroon.
- Mexican Dutch King Mushroom.
- HK-35 Oyster Mushroom.
- Pocket Sized Oyster Mushroom.
- Porcelain Mushroom.
- P. caerulescens Mushroom.
- TAT Black Cap Monokaryon.
- Phoenix Oyster Mushroom.
- Tarragon Oyster Mushroom.
- True Albino Melmak Silver Surf...
- TAT O.G. Revert Mushroom.
- White Ferula Mushroom.
- Winter Oyster Mushroom.
- Volanspateria Mushroom.
- White Teachers.
- Wood Tuft Mushroom.
- Wood Blewit Mushroom.
- Wasp Cordyceps Mushroom.
- Veiled Oyster.
- Termite Mushroom.
- Roaton Honduras Nubbins Mushro...
- Umbrella Polypore Mushroom.
- Roaton Honduras Mushroom.
- Payne's Prairie Mushroom.
- PE Uncut Revert Mushroom.
- P.E.S.H. Mushroom
- Painted Oyster Mushroom.
- Penis Envy (PE) Mushroom.
- Psilocybe Fanaticus Red Spore ...
- Natural Morel Mushroom.
- Melmak Revert Mushroom.
- Lion's Paw Mushroom.
- KSS cross with LGT Squats Mush...
- Iceberg Revert Mushroom.
- Indian Graveyard Mushroom.
- Iceberg 337 Mushroom.
- Hell Hound Mushroom.
- Hail Blue Mushroom.
- Goldenthread Cordyceps Mushroo...
- Gilled Polypore Mushroom.
- Ghost Toaster Mushroom.
- Beech Turtle Shell Mushroom.
- Albino Saturn Tidepool Mushroo...
- Cauliflower Mushroom.
- Caterpillar Fungus.
- Enoki (Heat Tolerant) Mushroom...
- Fu Ling Mushroom.
- TAT Brains Mushroom.
- Paneolus Cyanescens Debary Mus...
- Panaeolus Cyanescens Peace Riv...
- Goat Mushroom.
- Cordyceps sobolifera Mushroom.
- ORAVMP cross with Stargazer
- P.E. Uncut Mushroom.
- Shockwave cross with PE Mushro...
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